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Why Compost? 5 Reasons to Begin Composting

Ali O'Neal

Welcome to Partridge Creek Compost! We're a vertically integrated nonprofit organization based in Marquette County, Michigan, aiming to reduce food waste going to the landfill and improve soil health in our region.

We provide curbside compost collections for individuals and businesses, creating the opportunity to close the loop in our local food system and give a second life to organics. Check out our top 5 reasons to make composting a daily habit in your home today.

A pile of food scraps on top finished compost.
  1. Reduces Waste and Landfill Use: Did you know that 51% of landfilled waste is comprised of organic materials? Composting reuses valuable resources while extending the life of our local landfill.

  2. Combats Climate Change: Food waste that breaks down in landfills anaerobically (without oxygen) produces large quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas 80x more potent than carbon dioxide. Composting food waste is one of the easiest ways to tackle climate change in your daily life.

  3. Creates Healthy Soils: Finished compost contains a variety of micronutrients, a diverse array of microorganisms, and is created from otherwise wasted materials. Unlike industrial fertilizers, it helps build topsoil, repairs delicate soil ecosystems, and supports the growth of nutrient dense and resilient food crops.

  4. Recycles Organic Materials: When food waste is thrown into the trash, it ends up in the landfill indefinitely and without purpose. Composting is like recycling for your organics, and instead creates a finished soil amendment used to grow new food.

  5. Improves Water Quality: When food waste comes into contact with inorganic materials in our landfill it creates leachate, a liquid pollutant that can contaminate groundwater. Leachate contains all sorts of harmful chemicals, many of which are known carcinogens and are harmful to human health.

Choosing to compost is not only about waste reduction, it's a commitment to bettering our communities and creating a more sustainable future together. Join us today by signing up for curbside compost collections - we're here to help you grow!

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